Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Top 10 Popular DSLRS

1. Canon EOS Rebel T1i
2. Nikon D90 DX
3. Canon EOS 50D
4. Canon Digital Rebel XSi
5. Nikon D5000
6. Nikon D3000
7. Canon EOS 7D
8. Nikon D300S
9. Pentax K-7
10. Olympus Evolt E520

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Movie Pick : 3 Idiots (Hindi - 2009) - 4 / 5

A must watch if you are a Hindi Movie fan...
Its a mocary of Indian Engg education...

I have only one concern over the story...
Why it took 2 idiots and Pia(Kareena Kapoor) to find the third one post college 5 years...
they could hve taken the addr from the college as Pia's father is college principal...would hve been so easy...but as they say...thts how bollywood makes movies...:)...but a true movie...definately to touch ur hearts...

Movie Pick : See No Evil, Hear No Evil (1989) - 3.5/5

Wally (Richard Pryor) is blind; Dave (Gene Wilder) is deaf. When a man is murdered outside the newsstand where they work, the police collar these two unlikely buddies as the main suspects. Wally and Dave are sprung from jail by Kirgo (Kevin Spacey) and Eve (Joan Severance), two criminals posing as lawyers who certainly have something other than their clients' best interests in mind. Arthur Hiller directs this lighthearted comedy.

Traveling with a 2-3 year old tips...

A vacation is no treat with a screaming toddler or young kids in tow.
Here are the best advices i found over the net....

High-Flying Advice

. Travel off-peak
. Reserve seats when you book.
. Bring your child's car seat.
. Preboard the seat, not the baby.
. Check your stroller at the gate before boarding.
. Adjust your toddler's nap schedule so he will sleep on the plane.
. Dress your child in easily removable layers.
. Be on the alert for ear pain.
. Keep drinks close at hand.
. Change diapers in the rear.

On the Road Again

. Time it right - Start around nap time.
. Entertain your child - Sit with him.
. Limit driving time to six hours a day - Take break every 2 hours.
. Protect your child from the sun- Apply sunscreen and Window shades.

Happy Holidays....

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Little Kids, Big Mouths

Just read this wounderful article on
This is exactly what we are experiencing at home with our son...

Inappropriate Comments

When a child's verbal skills really start to kick in, usually around age 2 1/2 or 3, he'll share her thoughts on anything and everything. That's good. But we never know when she's going to say something offensive or humiliating to another person. And whether it happens on the street ("Why can't that man walk?") or in line at the supermarket ("That woman is so fat!"), we're the one who has to try to clean up a messy situation.

Although it's tempting to blame the child -- or our parenting -- for this behavior, experts say we shouldn't. Toddlers and preschoolers aren't willfully being mean or insensitive.

"Young kids are simply flexing their 'look-what-I-notice' muscles," explains Betsy Brown Braun, author of Just Tell Me What to Say. "When something seems different from the norm, that's noteworthy to them." Think of it this way: These inappropriate comments are actually the product of a curious and very literal mind, one that hasn't learned how to be tactful or express empathy. So when the child lets a remark slip, avoid shushing or shaming him, as this will make him think it's wrong to ask questions or make observations, says Lynne Kenney, PsyD, a pediatric psychologist and family coach in Scottsdale, Arizona. Nor should you make him apologize without explaining why, or he'll conclude that "I'm sorry" is an empty phrase. It is your job, though, to help your child think before he speaks and learn how to observe the people around him without passing judgment -- gifts he can use forever. Since developing an internal monologue takes time and practice, it pays to start when your child is still a toddler. As he gets older, those innocent remarks will seem less and less excusable -- and will be an increasingly bad reflection on you. In the meantime, follow this blueprint for handling awkward moments: Respond softly to your child's cringe-worthy comment or question; do what you can to make the victim feel better; then discuss with your child in private how to be considerate of people's feelings.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Funny Cool Maths Trick

Here is what has to be done...

. Think of a number between one and 10.
• Multiply that number by nine.
• Add the digits of your answer.
• Subtract five.
• Figure out the letter of the alphabet that matches your number. One equals A, two equals B and so on.
• Think of a country that starts with that letter.
• Pick the last letter of that country's name.
• Think of an animal that starts with that letter.
• Pick the last letter of that animal's name.
• Think of a color that starts with that letter.
• Now think of the country, animal and color all at once.

This pretends to read the volunteer's mind for a moment.
The answer is --

"But there are no orange kangaroos in Denmark."

The trick is that for any number between one and 10 that is multiplied by nine, the digits always add up to nine. Doing the math correctly will always give the volunteer the letter D. Most people asked to think of a country that starts with D will think of Denmark. Similarly, most people asked to think of an animal that starts with K will think of a kangaroo. Finally, most people will think of orange when asked to think of a color that starts with O. Of course, there can be people who will not think this...but 98% cases it works...

When my son has Temper Tantrums...

Its a nightmare when we I am at some public place and have to handle that big tantrum...

They are said to be more common in the toddlers and preschoolers.
There are lots of scenarios for tantrums to arise for my son

•When he is unable to get his message across, a breakdown occurs...he'll start shouting screaming etc.
•Sometimes he may not know what he wants -- he could be tired or hungry or just plain bored.
•trying something for the first time -- tying shoes for example, and just can't figure it out.
•He could just be having a bad day,didn't like food at day care or didn't like the activity that was going on.

Several other reasons upset him often...

what best works...
* Ignoring him for a while
* Changing the topic or situation

It gets worse if we yell at him or explain in the middle of his tantrum...after a while it passes...

Friday, December 18, 2009

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts

Courage…is nothing less than the power to overcome danger, misfortune, fear, injustice, while continuing to affirm inwardly that life, with all its sorrows, is good; that everything is meaningful, even if in a sense beyond our understanding; and that there is always tomorrow....

Just read a short story by an anonymus authur over the net on courage...

Not long ago I stopped by a local playground to watch a Little League baseball game. To get myself up to speed, I asked one of the youngsters what the score was. “We’re behind 16 to nothing,” he answered. “I must say you don’t seem discouraged,” I said. “Why is that?” “Discouraged?” said the boy. “Why should we be discouraged? We haven’t even been up to bat yet.” (so keep swinging, it's not over yet!)

Capturing Family Photos...The perfect way..

Just read this article on great one
In short.......

1. Let the Family know you'll be taking pictures
2. Dont let them know when you'll be taking photos
3. Use A Long Lens – If you have options, choose a 80mm lens, or slightly longer.
4. Focus On The Eyes
5. Hang Out In The Kitchen
6. Have Fun :)

if butterflies in my stomach were cows I could open a dairy farm

If butterflies in my stomach were cows I could open a dairy farm...This is a dialouge that I heard watching the last Movie Pick update I j ust posted...The World's Fastest Indian...The moment I heard it just kind of glued to me...

The apprehension to do something new...something so many butterflies in the stomatch...ooooppppss :)

Movie pick : The World's Fastest Indian (2005) - 4/5

This fact-based drama stars Anthony Hopkins as quirky New Zealander Burt Munro, a 67-year-old grandfather who flies across Utah's Bonneville Salt Flats and blazes into the record books at 183.586 mph on his customized Indian Scout motorcycle. Set in 1967, the film is the second pairing of Hopkins and writer-director Roger Donaldson; the duo also collaborated on the seafaring epic The Bounty (1984).

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Movie Pick : Conspiracy Theory (1997) -3/5

Jerry Fletcher (Mel Gibson), a New York City cab driver who moonlights as a conspiracy theorist, puts his life in danger when crooked government officials set out to silence him. An attorney named Alice Sutton (Julia Roberts) might be able to help him, as she tries to unravel a mysterious murder that could be connected to Fletcher's theory. Richard Donner directs and Patrick Stewart co-stars.

Movie Pick : Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) - 3/5

A nice story about parents separation and its effect on the child....

Ted (Dustin Hoffman) is a career-driven yuppie -- until he finds out his dissatisfied wife (Meryl Streep) is leaving him and their 6-year-old son. But just as Ted begins to love being a full-time parent, his wife reappears to reclaim the boy. Poignant and beautifully acted, this cinematic tearjerker swept the 1979 Academy Awards, winning Oscars for Hoffman and Streep in addition to Best Picture, Best Director and Best Screenplay honors.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Windows 7

Installed Windows 7 on one of my Laptops, replacing Windows Vista. Used Custom install instead of upgrade and the installation was a breeze ... no issues. First impression on Windows 7 is cool ... feels much better that Windows Vista.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Movie Pick : Are We There Yet? (2005) - 4/5

A great Family Comedy...and very Naughty kids...

Play Preview Hoping to impress foxy divorcée Suzanne Kingston (Nia Long), ladies' man Nick Persons (Ice Cube) offers to drive her children, Kevin (Philip Bolden) and Lindsey (Aleisha Allen), 350 miles for a reunion in Vancouver. But unwary Nick isn't prepared for what the mischievous duo has in store for him. Turns out they've got a battle-tested plan geared to chase off any guy who tries to start a relationship with their mother.

Movie Pick : What About Bob? (1991) - 3/5

A light comedy sure to make you feel relaxed...

Determined to receive treatment, Bob Wiley (Bill Murray), a neurotic New Yorker struggling with a host of paralyzing phobias, follows his psychiatrist on vacation in this quirky family comedy. Pompous shrink Dr. Leo Marvin (Richard Dreyfuss) tries to get rid of the unwanted patient, but Bob ingratiates himself with Marvin's family. Soon Marvin's wife and children, charmed by Bob's childlike enthusiasm, start to think Bob is more fun than Marvin.

Interesting Facts about "INDIA"

• India never invaded any country in her last 100000 years of history.

• Chess was invented in India.

• Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus are studies, which originated in India.

• The 'Place Value System' and the 'Decimal System' were developed in India in 100 B.C.

• India is the largest democracy in the world, the 6th largest Country in the world, and one of the most ancient civilizations.

• The game of Snakes & Ladders was created by the 13th century poet saint Gyandev. It was originally called 'Mokshapat'.

• The world's highest cricket ground is in Chail, Himachal Pradesh. Built in 1893 after leveling a hilltop, this cricket pitch is 2444 meters above sea level.

• India has the largest number of Post Offices in the world.

• The largest employer in the world is the Indian Railways, employing over a million people.

• Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to mankind. The Father of Medicine, Charaka, consolidated Ayurveda 2500 years ago.

• India was one of the richest countries till the time of British rule in the early 17th Century. Christopher Columbus, attracted by India's wealth, had come looking for a sea route to India when he discovered America by mistake.

• Bhaskaracharya rightly calculated the time taken by the earth to orbit the Sun hundreds of years before the astronomer Smart. According to his calculation, the time taken by the Earth to orbit the Sun was 365.258756484 days.

• The value of "pi" was first calculated by the Indian Mathematician Budhayana, and he explained the concept of what is known as the Pythagorean Theorem. He discovered this in the 6th century, long before the European mathematicians.

• Until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds in the world
(Source: Gemological Institute of America).

• India exports software to 90 countries.

• There are 300,000 active mosques in India, more than in any other country, including the Muslim world.

• The largest religious building in the world is Angkor Wat, a Hindu Temple in Cambodia built at the end of the 11th century.

• The Vishnu Temple in the city of Tirupathi built in the 10th century, is the world's largest religious pilgrimage destination. Larger than either Rome or Mecca, an average of 30,000 visitors donate $6 million (US) to the temple everyday.

• Martial Arts were first created in India, and later spread to Asia by Buddhist missionaries.

• Yoga has its origins in India and has existed for over 5,000 years.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Movie Pick : The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) - 4/5

What a heart melter...a must watch...I was almost in tears....

Will Smith earned an Oscar nomination for an inspiring performance opposite his real-life son Jaden in this tearjerker about a struggling single parent who's determined to build a better life for his family. Chris Gardner (Smith) is smart and talented, but his dead-end salesman job barely pays the bills. When he and his son are evicted, they face trying times as a desperate Chris accepts an unpaid internship at a stock brokerage firm.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Movie Pick : Jungle 2 Jungle (1997) - 3/5

A good light comedy with a few refereshing scenes...

This classic fish-out-of-water comedy romp stars Tim Allen ("Home Improvement") as an uptight New York exec, who pursues his soon-to-be ex-wife (JoBeth Williams) to South America and returns to the big city with the son he never knew he had -- a son raised in a tribal village in Brazil. Armed with only his blowgun, the 13-year-old Mimi-Siku (Sam Huntington) discovers the world outside his jungle home is indeed a strange11 place.

Rating - 3/5

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Movie Pick : Kindergarten Cop (1990) - 3.5/5

A good Action Comed for a change

Hard-edged cop John Kimble (Arnold Schwarzenegger) gets more than he bargained for when he goes undercover as a kindergarten teacher to get the goods on a brutal drug lord (Richard Tyson) while at the same time protecting the man's young son. Pitted against a class of boisterous moppets whose antics try his patience and test his mettle, Kimble may have met his match … in more ways than one. Pamela Reed also stars in this engaging action comedy.

Nokia N900

Nokia N900 - its a pretty impressive phone .. as close to a PC as it can get in the size of a pack of cigarette. There are some pretty good deals available also for the same. Check out the phone at Nokia Site.

Wanted to buy it as a gift for someone in India....but with the phone supporting only T-mobile 3G frequencies in US and the fact that 3G is still not available in India .. does not look like a great gift now as in India only EDGE will work. Still looking for a new mobile to buy.

Google Wave

Well just got an invitation to try out the new preview of Google wave. Still trying to figure out how the thing works and if its really as revolutionary as Google claims it to be. The demo videos sure do look pretty impressive and kind of cool.

Fight the Flu - Fever Foods

When fever strikes, weare forced to spend days in bed with antibiotics by your side, drained and trying your best to recover.

A fever is the body’s warfare to viral or bacterial infection. It creates an arduous possibility for bacteria and viruses to survive and multiply. The higher the temperature, the most opportune it gets for the bacteria.

A fever brings with it:
- A loss of appetite making food intake almost negligible.
- A 13 % increase in body’s basic energy expenditure (for every 1 degree Celsius rise in body temperature).
- A decrease in Glycogen (muscle) stores to generate this energy.
- A high breakdown of proteins generating nitrogenous wastes like urea and uric acid. This puts a load on the kidneys for purification.
- A loss of body fluid from excessive sweating, vomiting, diarrhea and urine formation.

Feed the fever with the following:
- A high energy high protein full fluid diet within intervals of 3 hours is advisable. Include gruels, broths, soups, stews, milkshakes etc.
- As per your tolerance level, move from full fluid diet to semi solid meals of khichidi, rice with curd, mashed potatoes and finely cut veggies, kheer etc.
- Plenty of fluids like fresh juices, soups and broths can give you the required energy. Fluid intake should reach 2.5 to 5 liters per day.
Also include
- Milk and milk based beverages, milkshakes and smoothies
- Buttermilk or lassi with added whey to increase the protein content
- Refined cereals and de-husked pulse preparations
- Eggs, soft cheese, tender meats, fish and poultry
- Gelatin based desserts, sugars, honey and jam

Winters - Tough for Feet !!

Harsh, dry weather can have your feet screaming for help. Sure, you have those uber chic boots and roman sandals to cover them up but cracked heels and flaky skin can turn awfully painful if not fixed in time.

Soft and pretty feet will be yours to keep with these simple precautions and home remedies.

Tuck them in before you sleep
The skin on your feet is thicker than other parts of your body which is why it needs intense moisturizing and nourishment to stay soft and supple. Wash your feet at night and slather them with a generous dollop of petroleum jelly, coconut oil or foot cream and pull on a pair of thick cotton socks to seal in the goodies. This is probably the best anti-crack and crack-prevention home remedy known to mankind.

If the thought of sleeping with socks on seems a tad uncomfy, consider going about the rig earlier in the evening and take off the socks just before hitting the sack.

Scrub ‘em pretty
Banish dull, scaly skin forever by using this simple homemade exfoliating scrub - mix a handful of granulated sugar (the less fine, the better) with a teaspoon of lemon juice and glycerine. Massage you feet with this grainy mix for about 5-10 minutes, wash off and moisturise while your feet are still damp. You will be surprised at how smooth, pink and shiny your feet look after this.

If you want to give the messy routine a pass, keep a commercially available foot scrub handy (the ones containing sea salt and sea weed extracts work wonders).

DIY pedicure in 15 minutes
If your pedicure is long overdue and you still can’t find time to hit the salon, consider doing it at home. Soak your feet in a bucketful of warm water with a few bath salts or foot frizzies added in. Give it a few minutes to do its job and then slough of the dead, thickened skin on your soles with a foot file or pumice. Pay special attention to every nook and cranny including areas like the back of your feet and the top of your toes. Use a greasy cream, body oil or Shea Butter to lock in the moisture and finish off with a coat of your favourite nail polish.

Hema Singh, Manager and Spa Consultant at Coco Salon & Spa, Noida, lets out a little DIY secret - “Though it is always advisable to get a foot massage done professionally, one can massage the feet with therapeutic essential oils like Lavender and Jasmine mixed in a carrier oil to relieve stress off the feet and soften the skin.”

Keep odours at bay
Feet that are squished into closed shoes and boots all day tend to get smelly. Use socks and pantyhose made from ‘breathable’ fabrics and use a foot deodorant if the problem gets overwhelming. Take care to clean the insides of your nails and use refreshing foot sprays and creams with anti-microbial properties to combat foot odours.

Clip away those nails
Winter may not be the best time to maintain long toe nails. Packed feet can result in ingrown nails and cause dirt to settle in difficult-to-clean corners. Long nails can also make your toes hurt when you walk around in closed shoes for too long. Clip them short until the sun shines again. And yes, don’t forget to use a transparent base coat before swiping on nail paint to prevent yellow and discoloured nails.

This winter I'll surely try to follow this...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dance is the hidden language of the soul of the body - Martha Graham

I feel so Happy to Dance, and I am sure everyone brings smiles, passion,
creativity...and enjoyment to life
When I dance i really dont care what are others thinking because when I see someone else dancing, no matter good or bad, I am always smiling and only smiling...Dance truly is a language of true in words of Martha Graham...

Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion.

To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. This is power, it is glory on earth and it is yours for the taking...

Dance for yourself, if someone understands good. If not then no matter, go right on doing what you love..

While I dance I cannot judge, I cannot hate, I cannot separate myself from life. I can only be joyful and whole. That is why I dance....

So Dance to the rythm dance on the beats for yourself and so shall we...:)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Moie Pick : Made of Honor (2008) - 3.5/5

A well do to Romantic Comedy....An old story but few good sequences...

Happy-go-lucky playboy Tom (Patrick Dempsey) finally decides to propose to his best friend, Hannah (Michelle Monaghan), when she returns from a trip. But when she gets home, she announces that she's engaged -- and asks Tom to be in the wedding. Can Tom work his way back into her heart before it's too late? Sydney Pollack and Kadeem Hardison co-star in this whimsical comedy from director Paul Weiland.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Movie Pick : As Good as It Gets (1997) - 3/5

When acerbic, reclusive and obsessive-compulsive author Melvin Udall (Jack Nicholson) lets stressed-out single mom and waitress Carol Connelly (Helen Hunt) and gay neighbor Simon Bishop (Greg Kinnear) and his dog into his life, profound changes await them all in this touching dramedy. Nominated for seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Screenplay, the film won Oscars for Nicholson's and Hunt's heartfelt performances.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Movie Pick : The Spanish Prisoner (1997) - 3/5

Never trust what you see. When a naïve inventor (Campbell Scott) develops "The Process," a top-secret program guaranteed to make billions for his company, the wolves come out -- to fleece him. David Mamet wrote and directed this twisty mystery with masterful sleight of hand. Powerful performances by Ben Gazarra and Steve Martin, plus plenty of surprises and stings, make The Spanish Prisoner the ultimate con flick.

Rating : 3/5

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I Love being a women...

Being a woman is so much cooler and definitely more fun.
Off course there are things we cannot do but there are things we do better and only we can do :)
Here are a few of the million other reasons why being a women is the bestest thing ever.....

1 Our shopping choices and looks for the season aren’t limited to stripes and solids.

2 We can order colourful, fruity and delicious drinks at a bar without being judged.

3 We’re less likely to go bald.

4 We can cry when we’re stressed without being charged with metrosexuality.

5 We can co-ordinate a work event, update the boss on Bluetooth and flash smiles at a friend’s wedding, all at the same time.

6 We don’t have to love sports to be respected by our gender.

7 We can read maps and stop to ask for directions.

8 We can have a baby....nature's gift

9 We can get into the poshest clubs wearing open footwear and jeans.

10 We don’t have to shave everyday, and no one needs to know

So Hurray...Be happy and celebrate :)

When 30 calls....

What an interesting read..........
When 30 calls, here is a list of ‘Do’s’ ....

- Increase vitamin C, E and A, they are beneficial in reducing sun damage to skin and are rich in antioxidants saving you from a potential heart attack. Play with all colour vegetables and fruits. They are a treasure trove for the need.
- Use a sun block of SPF 30 at least. Give it 15 minutes to become effective before you step out into the sun. Carry an umbrella if need be. It’s better to be safe than to be bothered about looking hideous. These petite precautions during the day will help you looks stunning during the night.
- Moisturise your skin as it gets older. Use day and night creams and hydrating gels. Consult your dermatologist for your skin type. Do not allow your skin to feel dry.
- Your meal and its time also play a big role in keeping you looking and feeling young. Functions of digestion, absorption and utilization of nutrients are visible in healthy looking skin. So, respect your body clock and abode by set meal timings.
- Drinking plenty of water (minimum of 1.5 L/day) will flush out toxins. Do this without fail. (This does not include soups, coffees, teas and sodas).
- Eyes are very sensitive and therefore they are the first place to get wrinkles. 7 to 8 hours of undisturbed sleep is essential.
- Exercise helps you sweat. Sweating flushes out dead cells and waste materials. It releases blocked pores in the skin that cause acne and pimples. Hence, exercising to sweat is out is a good bet. Find at least 30 minutes, 5 times a week, to exercise.
- Keep alcohol consumption to a bare minimum of once a week, while the cigarette at a barge poll’s distance.

Taking care of yourself is an effort but the effort will feel worth it when someone mistakes your age to be 5 years younger than what you actually are.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Movie Pick : Snow Dogs (2002) - 3/5

A coo,Family Comedy....A must watch if you are a dog lover...

Miami dentist Dr. Ted Brooks (Cuba Gooding Jr.) treks to Alaska to claim an inheritance that turns out to be a team of champion sled dogs. Trouble is, old curmudgeon "Thunder" Jack Johnson (James Coburn) wants the canines for an Arctic Circle dogsledding tournament. But plans change when Thunder turns up missing, and it's up to Ted to save the day. Director Brian Levant's family-centered comedy combines flinty humor and heartfelt drama.

Movie Pick: Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) - 4/5

No doubts on Mrs. Doubtfire or a 4/5

Loving but irresponsible dad Daniel Hillard (Robin Williams), estranged from his exasperated spouse (Sally Field), is crushed by a court order allowing only weekly visits with his kids. When Daniel learns his ex needs a housekeeper, he gets the job -- disguised as an English nanny. Soon he becomes not only his children's best pal but the kind of parent he should have been from the start. Not surprisingly, the film won an Oscar for Best Makeup.

Movie Pick : My Cousin Vinny (1992) - 4/5

My Cousin Vinny may seem boaring for 1st 15 mins...but slowly catches pace and gets too hillarious by the end...a light refresher comedy...:)

When teenage buddies Billy (Ralph Macchio) and Stan (Mitchell Whitfield) are falsely accused of croaking a convenience-store clerk in a backwoods Southern town, Billy calls on his Noo Yawk cousin Vinny (Joe Pesci), a fast-talking personal injury lawyer who's never tried a case. Vinny's crass demeanor lands him in hot water with the judge, but the lippy Brooklyn barrister has a few tricks up his sleeve. Oscar winner Marisa Tomei plays his gal pal.

Rating : 4/5

Movie Pick : The Fugitive (1993) - 4/5

A good thriller work I must say...though there could have been better suspense though...but a good watch....A sure 4/5 :)

Wrongly convicted of murdering his wife, Dr. Richard Kimble (Harrison Ford) escapes from custody after a ferocious train accident. But as he tries to find the real killer -- a mysterious one-armed man -- gung-ho U.S. Marshal Samuel Gerard (Tommy Lee Jones) is hot on Kimble's trail. Jones bagged an Oscar for his flinty performance in this classic action-thriller, which features one of the grizzliest train wrecks ever put on celluloid.

Movie Pick : The Shawshank Redemption: Special Edition (1994) - 5/5

This is the best Criminal Drama I have seen till date...hats off to the performances, story and just everything in the movie....a sure shot 5/5 rating for the movie...Must Watch...

You may find it boaring initially but you will get hooked on to the characters eventually...

Framed in the 1940s for the double murder of his wife and her lover, upstanding banker Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) begins a new life at the Shawshank prison, where he puts his accounting skills to work for an amoral warden (Bob Gunton). During his long stretch in prison, Dufresne comes to be admired by the other inmates -- including an older prisoner named Red (Morgan Freeman) -- for his integrity and unquenchable sense of hope.

And the end is amazingly framed....

Friday, November 6, 2009

Most Irritating things while browsing the Internet

Whenever I browse the internet there are so many interesting and soooooooooo many non-interesting and irritating things around
1st to top the list : irritating pop up's full of ads - Internet Marketing...can be avoided by using block pop up feature of the browser....but then sites have come up with a new feature in built popup's.
2nd : Session timeouts...specially in case you are on your banking site.
3rd : Irritating browser crashes
4th: Unknown people sending friends invite on orkut, facebook etc....I call it trespassing in Internet social society
5th: Having IE hangs on problem; you're not only unable to work when that happens, you may not have a clue as to what to do to repair whatever's at fault.
6th: Unexpected Internet Connection Issues
7th: Wireless modem not getting connected
8th: Virus intrusions and a scan is started which itself is a virus

Still I would say Happy browsing...and I am so hooked onto the internet ...its a part of my lifeline...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My Little Sisters

Recently I was missing my sisters (We are 3 sisters) so much just got this...

You've been my sisters
for many years...since the time you were born,
We've laughed together
And shed some tears.
We've had harsh words,
And pulled some hair
But against the world
We are a terrific trio.
Now Our times together are very few,
I just want to say I LOVE YOU!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Over the last decade I have seen everyone in my family to friends talking about healthy food, low calorie thought let me find out the basic concept of all this....and my research ended on this....

What’s Food Guide or rather Food Guide Pyramid ?

A food guide is a simple way of knowing what are the kinds of food one needs to consume and in what amounts to ensure good health.

It is obvious that there is interplay of nutrients in the body. When we talk about nutrients it is important to know the quantity i.e. how much to take. This can form a foundation for a good diet selection, providing the essential nutrients.

Definition of RDA

RDA or Recommended Daily Allowances are levels of intake of essential nutrients which are on the basis of scientific knowledge and are adequate to meet the known nutrient needs of all healthy persons.



Cereals: Cereals form the staple diet in India e.g. rice, wheat, maize. Cereals generally lack lysine, however rice is richer in lysine compared to other cereals. Ragi, a millet, is a rich source of calcium and known as poor man's milk. Cereals do not contain Vitamin A and Vitamin C except yellow maize, which contains carotene.

1 Cereal serving = 1 katori of cooked rice or 2 phulkas or 2 slices of bread.

1 Cereal serving will supply about 100 calories and 2-3 gms. of protein.

Legumes (Pulses and Dals): Pulses are rich sources of protein (upto 22-25%). Vegetarians can meet their protein requirement by including different pulses in their diet. But they lack Vitamin A and Vitamin C. However, germination of pulses increases the Vitamin C levels. Soaking and cooking of legumes destroy their anti-nutritional factors like tannin and trypsin inhibitors and make it easier to digest. Cereal-pulse combination in a proportion of 4:1 or 3:1 is enough for its supplementary effect.

1 serving = 1 katori of cooked dal or pulse

1 serving of legumes = 100 calories and 6-7 gms. proteins.

Vegetables : Green leafy vegetables are very rich sources of Vitamin B, carotene, iron, calcium, Vitamin B complex and Vitamin C. At least fifty grams should be consumed daily by each person. Yellow-orange vegetables are good sources of Vitamin B, carotene, and lycopenes.
Roots and tubers are rich in carbohydrates and contain some vitamins and minerals. Three to five servings of vegetables per day is a must and one of them should be a green leafy vegetable.

Fruits : They are rich source of vitamins, minerals and fibres. Green, yellow and orange fruits like mango, papaya contains beta-carotene. Amla, citrus fruits and guava are a rich source of vitamin C. Dried fruits like dates supply iron. Banana and jackfruit are good sources of energy.
Two to three servings of fruits per day are recommended.

Milk and milk products : Milk is a good source of protein, calcium and vitamins. It is deficient in iron and Vitamin C. Whole milk has high percentage of fat (8-12%) whereas low fat or toned milk has about three percent fat. Skimmed milk has very little or no fat. Recommended servings per day is two to three servings where one serving = 1 cup (225 - 240 ml).



Meat / fish / Poultry : Egg, fish, meat etc. are included in this group. Eggs supply good quality protein, vitamins and fat. Fish, meat and chicken are good sources of protein and vitamins. Meat has more fat compared to poultry and fish. Omega 3 - PUFA in fish protects against cardiovascular diseases.

Two to three servings/day are recommended.

One serving has about 30 gms of cooked meat.

One serving provides 100 calories and 7 gms of protein.

Fat / Oils : Calories from fat should not exceed 10-15% of the total calorie intake. Fat is made use of not only during cooking (visible source) but it is also present within the food we eat such as seeds, nuts, pulses etc. Fifteen to twenty grams of visible fat (oil/ghee) is recommended per person per day.

One gm. of oil or ghee gives 9 calories.

One tsp of ghee, butter, oil = 45 calories.

Sugars : This group includes sugar, honey, jaggery, etc., which are concentrated sources of energy. Jaggery provides little iron. This group has to be used sparingly. Excessive intake of sugars is not desirable due to wide fluctuations in blood sugar and leads to obesity.
1 tsp. sugar = 20-25 calories.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Life...

My best Poem till date .......

My life was and is funny, witty and mischievous as when I was a little girl..
My life was and is full of hugs, kisses and unconditional love of my parents and sisters as when I was a little girl..
My life was and is confused and angry as when I was a teenager
My life was and is full of dreams aspirations and expectations as when I entered my young youthful age
My life was and is full of determination hard work and hunger for success as when I entered my career
My life was and is full of surprises anxiety and cuddly dreamy Love as when I met my soul mate..
My life today has promises, love of a family, togetherness ..dreams of my kids future and my experiences that I gathered each day and moment..
My life is sometimes bad chaotic rough hard and harsh too....but I always have someone to look up too...
My life I am sure will be good better and best each day If I can smile on all I have and Love it like my own self ....

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pitter Patter raindrops.....

I am sure you know this one..

I hear thunder, I hear thunder,
Oh ! don't you? Oh ! don't you ?
Pitter Patter raindrops, Pitter Patter raindrops
I'm wet through, I'm wet through.

Okay, so as you guessed it's raining in my's raining all over Dallas.

When I saw rain today and I sat on my laptop...I thought let me search for the meaning of RAIN in is a strong worded definition ...

Rain is liquid precipitation, as opposed to other kinds of precipitation such as snow, hail and sleet. On Earth, it is the condensation of atmospheric water vapor into drops heavy enough to fall, often making it to the surface.

For me Rain is fun ...pouring fresh water...washing the leaves and flowers...making them look so fresh...:)

Rain Reminds me of my childhood days in and my friends use to splash in the puddle all through the day once rain was stopped...we came home all drenched in mud n water....yuck...that's the word I use today. In childhood days we are so close to nature then we drift apart ...and we discovered what's dirty, hygienic...and blah.. blah.. blah..
Last time when it rained I went with my son to do some puddling...jumping and splashing that little water was sooo sooo much fun believe me. May be once in a while I can again be a child..atleast till my son starts saying yuck for puddling :).

Friday, October 16, 2009

A Story to touch all Parents Hearts - The Special Olympics

I Have always been a fan of Chicken Soup series of books.
Just happened to read this sample story today from
chicken soup for the parents soul

I am sure u'll like it too...

"The Special Olympics"

At a Special Olympics track meet, a young girl had just won the fifty yard dash and was jumping up and down all excited. She yelled out to her parents, "Look, Mom and Dad, I won!"

Her parents instantly burst into tears.

At the awards ceremony, the young girl proudly stood there as a medal was placed around her neck.

Then she ran over to her parents, who were crying now even more than before.

The three of them hugged ….as the parents kept crying.

A special Olympic official who had watched this whole scene became concerned and went over to the parents and said, "Excuse me, is there anything wrong?"

Through her tears, the mother said: "No, nothing's wrong. Everything’s right... We just heard our daughter speak for the first time!"

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Visit to Shark Reef Aquarium

Last month we visited Las Vegas for a vacation. There got a chance to see the best colorful Aquarium of all the ones we have seen in US so far, The Shark Reef Aquarium at Mandalay Bay ..

Don’t go on my words alone but surely the way colorful fishes are every where it’s amazing

Monday, October 12, 2009

Visit to Butterfly House….

Recently we visited Butterfly House and Insectarium exhibition Located at historic Fair Park in Dallas, Texas Discovery Gardens is a year-round organic urban oasis filled with natural wonders for visitors of all ages.
What an experience…though it wasn’t like thousands of beautiful butterflies but a lifetime experience for us.

Few clicks ….

Friday, October 9, 2009

Some Kite Fun...Lets fly a Paper Plate

Today my son's demand for a kite brought out the creative side of me so, thought let's make a kite at home with whatever we have... Things we used -

1. Paper Plate/Any Disposable Plate for the base of the Kite 2. 3 pieces of small streamers 3. Cello-tape 4. Scissor 5. Some Aluminum foil 6. Piece of a string of strong thread and few stickers of your choice

Step 1 :- We laid down the paper plate and all work began on it.

Step 2:- We made 2 strong sticks by folding the Aluminum foil. This is for the 2 support sticks that kite has for holding and flying like a kite.

Step 3:- Taped the two sticks to form a X shape.

Step 4:- We cut out a small portion of thread/ string and tied it to the one of the flat stick

Step 5:- Attached the remaining part of the thread to the center of the one we put earlier.

Step 6: Made tail with streamers and eyes and nose with stickers

Kite is ready to fly up in the least in the home skies :) ....Sky is the Limit ....!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I am a MOTHER…and my life is a circus right now..

Huh…today what did my son do… I had such a gala time … few highlights to make me feel better 

He woke up in the morning made a huge fuss about getting fresh and brushing his teeth… then some how we managed to take him to his doc for a follow up check up after his last weeks viral.
Thank god he is all fine now.
After coming back home he took out all his Flash Cards, Building blocks and his small cars and mixed them together with his hands legs and my serving spoons.
On being asked what’s happening, he politely told me I am making cookies and Chicken soup for you mommy…all my anger gone and I am too smiling at the mess he made : )

After a couple of non-peaceful hours and lunch he wanted to climb on apartment windows holding on to the blinds and the window pane… and his expression was I am sure I can do it …hee hee hee…

After sometime I had a call from one of my friend and was sitting on the chair….he happily…climbed behind me on the chair and stood on my shoulders and jumped down…wow…

On being told not to do all this he screamed to the top of his voice for 10 mins and gave me a headache…

Finally he slept at 7:30 pm and I took a deep breath…

Surely terrible 2’s…

Foods to perk up your mood

Just read about Foods to perk up our moods thought will share...

There’s no doubt about it-what we eat is directly linked to our moods. The key is to eat a balanced diet, including key foods that will help you feel energised and more upbeat. Here are the best foods to up your mood.

Bananas: Rich in magnesium, bananas are important if you lead a hectic life with a lot of stress. The body requires magnesium for various energy generation cycles. Bananas also contains tryptophan, which is used to make the happiness hormone serotonin. And they’re packed with potassium, which tends to get depleted by stress. So eating bananas is an ideal way to battle fatigue, insomnia and irritability.
Amla or Indian gooseberry: This fruit is packed with Vitamin C, which is required for the absorption of iron. This mineral is key in driving away fatigue, making you more alert. Concentrated amla juice is readily available in the market, so add chilled water and make yourself a cooling drink. Of course, you can always eat the fruit in its raw form. Seafood: This category of good is rich in selenium, a mineral that is a mood elevator, helping to release more energy and reduce anxiety. Seafood is also rich in proteins, which help slow down the absorption of carbohydrates in the blood, making you feel upbeat and productive - paving the way for happiness.
Chillies: Capsaicin present in chillies provides the fiery taste, stimulating your nerve endings, which send signals to your brain. In response, the brain releases endorphins, the natural painkillers that produce a temporary ‘high’.
Water: It’s possible that your fatigue could also be due to dehydration, which slows down blood flow to your organs. Drinking 10 to 12 glasses of water per day will get rid of that sluggish feeling. Coffee and teas don’t count as they are diuretic in nature.

Lets Stay Healhty....:)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Everyone is gifted - but some people never open their package

This is my first post ever.
Today morning when I logged into Orkut this was my fortune for the day...lols. So thought will start my day very positively.
Finished all the morning chores with great energy and happy mood. Then called up my parents in India as today is my Dad's B'day,!!
Then while browsing came across this piece of work by Michael McDermott
A Wall I Must Climb.... are a few lines, inspiring and so thoughtful...

Things were moving so fast ... I couldn't comprehend it
I was first, maybe I was last ...Confusion had descended
I was amazed by what had transcended ... Through the pages of time
Faith is a wall I must climb.....

My life goes in just day and night....taking care of everything for everyone in my home...sometimes it's just crazy and sometimes it's just fun :). So, here I am to start - Through the pages of time...

My life started when I was born in April 1979 to my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gupta in Bhilai (City of Steel), India. Did my schooling at several places across India as my dad had and still has a transferable job. Did graduation in Physics( Hons.) followed by PG in Computers..landed up with a well paid job in Bangalore as a software professional, met my husband, JPB there , fell in love got married and after 4 years had a son, named him Prajwal (means light) , left my job we moved to Dallas,Teaxs US and now my son is 2 and a a story of 30 years of my life in just 6 lines ....but there is soooooooo much in between many incidents , events and happenings...makes me wonder if everyone's life can be summarized in 5-6 lines....hahaha....lols....