Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pitter Patter raindrops.....

I am sure you know this one..

I hear thunder, I hear thunder,
Oh ! don't you? Oh ! don't you ?
Pitter Patter raindrops, Pitter Patter raindrops
I'm wet through, I'm wet through.

Okay, so as you guessed it's raining in my's raining all over Dallas.

When I saw rain today and I sat on my laptop...I thought let me search for the meaning of RAIN in is a strong worded definition ...

Rain is liquid precipitation, as opposed to other kinds of precipitation such as snow, hail and sleet. On Earth, it is the condensation of atmospheric water vapor into drops heavy enough to fall, often making it to the surface.

For me Rain is fun ...pouring fresh water...washing the leaves and flowers...making them look so fresh...:)

Rain Reminds me of my childhood days in and my friends use to splash in the puddle all through the day once rain was stopped...we came home all drenched in mud n water....yuck...that's the word I use today. In childhood days we are so close to nature then we drift apart ...and we discovered what's dirty, hygienic...and blah.. blah.. blah..
Last time when it rained I went with my son to do some puddling...jumping and splashing that little water was sooo sooo much fun believe me. May be once in a while I can again be a child..atleast till my son starts saying yuck for puddling :).

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