Monday, October 5, 2009

Everyone is gifted - but some people never open their package

This is my first post ever.
Today morning when I logged into Orkut this was my fortune for the day...lols. So thought will start my day very positively.
Finished all the morning chores with great energy and happy mood. Then called up my parents in India as today is my Dad's B'day,!!
Then while browsing came across this piece of work by Michael McDermott
A Wall I Must Climb.... are a few lines, inspiring and so thoughtful...

Things were moving so fast ... I couldn't comprehend it
I was first, maybe I was last ...Confusion had descended
I was amazed by what had transcended ... Through the pages of time
Faith is a wall I must climb.....

My life goes in just day and night....taking care of everything for everyone in my home...sometimes it's just crazy and sometimes it's just fun :). So, here I am to start - Through the pages of time...

My life started when I was born in April 1979 to my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gupta in Bhilai (City of Steel), India. Did my schooling at several places across India as my dad had and still has a transferable job. Did graduation in Physics( Hons.) followed by PG in Computers..landed up with a well paid job in Bangalore as a software professional, met my husband, JPB there , fell in love got married and after 4 years had a son, named him Prajwal (means light) , left my job we moved to Dallas,Teaxs US and now my son is 2 and a a story of 30 years of my life in just 6 lines ....but there is soooooooo much in between many incidents , events and happenings...makes me wonder if everyone's life can be summarized in 5-6 lines....hahaha....lols....

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