Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Foods to perk up your mood

Just read about Foods to perk up our moods thought will share...

There’s no doubt about it-what we eat is directly linked to our moods. The key is to eat a balanced diet, including key foods that will help you feel energised and more upbeat. Here are the best foods to up your mood.

Bananas: Rich in magnesium, bananas are important if you lead a hectic life with a lot of stress. The body requires magnesium for various energy generation cycles. Bananas also contains tryptophan, which is used to make the happiness hormone serotonin. And they’re packed with potassium, which tends to get depleted by stress. So eating bananas is an ideal way to battle fatigue, insomnia and irritability.
Amla or Indian gooseberry: This fruit is packed with Vitamin C, which is required for the absorption of iron. This mineral is key in driving away fatigue, making you more alert. Concentrated amla juice is readily available in the market, so add chilled water and make yourself a cooling drink. Of course, you can always eat the fruit in its raw form. Seafood: This category of good is rich in selenium, a mineral that is a mood elevator, helping to release more energy and reduce anxiety. Seafood is also rich in proteins, which help slow down the absorption of carbohydrates in the blood, making you feel upbeat and productive - paving the way for happiness.
Chillies: Capsaicin present in chillies provides the fiery taste, stimulating your nerve endings, which send signals to your brain. In response, the brain releases endorphins, the natural painkillers that produce a temporary ‘high’.
Water: It’s possible that your fatigue could also be due to dehydration, which slows down blood flow to your organs. Drinking 10 to 12 glasses of water per day will get rid of that sluggish feeling. Coffee and teas don’t count as they are diuretic in nature.

Lets Stay Healhty....:)

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