Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I am a MOTHER…and my life is a circus right now..

Huh…today what did my son do… I had such a gala time … few highlights to make me feel better 

He woke up in the morning made a huge fuss about getting fresh and brushing his teeth… then some how we managed to take him to his doc for a follow up check up after his last weeks viral.
Thank god he is all fine now.
After coming back home he took out all his Flash Cards, Building blocks and his small cars and mixed them together with his hands legs and my serving spoons.
On being asked what’s happening, he politely told me I am making cookies and Chicken soup for you mommy…all my anger gone and I am too smiling at the mess he made : )

After a couple of non-peaceful hours and lunch he wanted to climb on apartment windows holding on to the blinds and the window pane… and his expression was I am sure I can do it …hee hee hee…

After sometime I had a call from one of my friend and was sitting on the chair….he happily…climbed behind me on the chair and stood on my shoulders and jumped down…wow…

On being told not to do all this he screamed to the top of his voice for 10 mins and gave me a headache…

Finally he slept at 7:30 pm and I took a deep breath…

Surely terrible 2’s…

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