Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Life...

My best Poem till date .......

My life was and is funny, witty and mischievous as when I was a little girl..
My life was and is full of hugs, kisses and unconditional love of my parents and sisters as when I was a little girl..
My life was and is confused and angry as when I was a teenager
My life was and is full of dreams aspirations and expectations as when I entered my young youthful age
My life was and is full of determination hard work and hunger for success as when I entered my career
My life was and is full of surprises anxiety and cuddly dreamy Love as when I met my soul mate..
My life today has promises, love of a family, togetherness ..dreams of my kids future and my experiences that I gathered each day and moment..
My life is sometimes bad chaotic rough hard and harsh too....but I always have someone to look up too...
My life I am sure will be good better and best each day If I can smile on all I have and Love it like my own self ....

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