Friday, October 16, 2009

A Story to touch all Parents Hearts - The Special Olympics

I Have always been a fan of Chicken Soup series of books.
Just happened to read this sample story today from
chicken soup for the parents soul

I am sure u'll like it too...

"The Special Olympics"

At a Special Olympics track meet, a young girl had just won the fifty yard dash and was jumping up and down all excited. She yelled out to her parents, "Look, Mom and Dad, I won!"

Her parents instantly burst into tears.

At the awards ceremony, the young girl proudly stood there as a medal was placed around her neck.

Then she ran over to her parents, who were crying now even more than before.

The three of them hugged ….as the parents kept crying.

A special Olympic official who had watched this whole scene became concerned and went over to the parents and said, "Excuse me, is there anything wrong?"

Through her tears, the mother said: "No, nothing's wrong. Everything’s right... We just heard our daughter speak for the first time!"

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