Friday, November 6, 2009

Most Irritating things while browsing the Internet

Whenever I browse the internet there are so many interesting and soooooooooo many non-interesting and irritating things around
1st to top the list : irritating pop up's full of ads - Internet Marketing...can be avoided by using block pop up feature of the browser....but then sites have come up with a new feature in built popup's.
2nd : Session timeouts...specially in case you are on your banking site.
3rd : Irritating browser crashes
4th: Unknown people sending friends invite on orkut, facebook etc....I call it trespassing in Internet social society
5th: Having IE hangs on problem; you're not only unable to work when that happens, you may not have a clue as to what to do to repair whatever's at fault.
6th: Unexpected Internet Connection Issues
7th: Wireless modem not getting connected
8th: Virus intrusions and a scan is started which itself is a virus

Still I would say Happy browsing...and I am so hooked onto the internet ...its a part of my lifeline...

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