Sunday, November 29, 2009

Fight the Flu - Fever Foods

When fever strikes, weare forced to spend days in bed with antibiotics by your side, drained and trying your best to recover.

A fever is the body’s warfare to viral or bacterial infection. It creates an arduous possibility for bacteria and viruses to survive and multiply. The higher the temperature, the most opportune it gets for the bacteria.

A fever brings with it:
- A loss of appetite making food intake almost negligible.
- A 13 % increase in body’s basic energy expenditure (for every 1 degree Celsius rise in body temperature).
- A decrease in Glycogen (muscle) stores to generate this energy.
- A high breakdown of proteins generating nitrogenous wastes like urea and uric acid. This puts a load on the kidneys for purification.
- A loss of body fluid from excessive sweating, vomiting, diarrhea and urine formation.

Feed the fever with the following:
- A high energy high protein full fluid diet within intervals of 3 hours is advisable. Include gruels, broths, soups, stews, milkshakes etc.
- As per your tolerance level, move from full fluid diet to semi solid meals of khichidi, rice with curd, mashed potatoes and finely cut veggies, kheer etc.
- Plenty of fluids like fresh juices, soups and broths can give you the required energy. Fluid intake should reach 2.5 to 5 liters per day.
Also include
- Milk and milk based beverages, milkshakes and smoothies
- Buttermilk or lassi with added whey to increase the protein content
- Refined cereals and de-husked pulse preparations
- Eggs, soft cheese, tender meats, fish and poultry
- Gelatin based desserts, sugars, honey and jam

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