Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Traveling with a 2-3 year old tips...

A vacation is no treat with a screaming toddler or young kids in tow.
Here are the best advices i found over the net....

High-Flying Advice

. Travel off-peak
. Reserve seats when you book.
. Bring your child's car seat.
. Preboard the seat, not the baby.
. Check your stroller at the gate before boarding.
. Adjust your toddler's nap schedule so he will sleep on the plane.
. Dress your child in easily removable layers.
. Be on the alert for ear pain.
. Keep drinks close at hand.
. Change diapers in the rear.

On the Road Again

. Time it right - Start around nap time.
. Entertain your child - Sit with him.
. Limit driving time to six hours a day - Take break every 2 hours.
. Protect your child from the sun- Apply sunscreen and Window shades.

Happy Holidays....

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