Saturday, December 5, 2009

Interesting Facts about "INDIA"

• India never invaded any country in her last 100000 years of history.

• Chess was invented in India.

• Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus are studies, which originated in India.

• The 'Place Value System' and the 'Decimal System' were developed in India in 100 B.C.

• India is the largest democracy in the world, the 6th largest Country in the world, and one of the most ancient civilizations.

• The game of Snakes & Ladders was created by the 13th century poet saint Gyandev. It was originally called 'Mokshapat'.

• The world's highest cricket ground is in Chail, Himachal Pradesh. Built in 1893 after leveling a hilltop, this cricket pitch is 2444 meters above sea level.

• India has the largest number of Post Offices in the world.

• The largest employer in the world is the Indian Railways, employing over a million people.

• Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to mankind. The Father of Medicine, Charaka, consolidated Ayurveda 2500 years ago.

• India was one of the richest countries till the time of British rule in the early 17th Century. Christopher Columbus, attracted by India's wealth, had come looking for a sea route to India when he discovered America by mistake.

• Bhaskaracharya rightly calculated the time taken by the earth to orbit the Sun hundreds of years before the astronomer Smart. According to his calculation, the time taken by the Earth to orbit the Sun was 365.258756484 days.

• The value of "pi" was first calculated by the Indian Mathematician Budhayana, and he explained the concept of what is known as the Pythagorean Theorem. He discovered this in the 6th century, long before the European mathematicians.

• Until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds in the world
(Source: Gemological Institute of America).

• India exports software to 90 countries.

• There are 300,000 active mosques in India, more than in any other country, including the Muslim world.

• The largest religious building in the world is Angkor Wat, a Hindu Temple in Cambodia built at the end of the 11th century.

• The Vishnu Temple in the city of Tirupathi built in the 10th century, is the world's largest religious pilgrimage destination. Larger than either Rome or Mecca, an average of 30,000 visitors donate $6 million (US) to the temple everyday.

• Martial Arts were first created in India, and later spread to Asia by Buddhist missionaries.

• Yoga has its origins in India and has existed for over 5,000 years.

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