Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Life...

My best Poem till date .......

My life was and is funny, witty and mischievous as when I was a little girl..
My life was and is full of hugs, kisses and unconditional love of my parents and sisters as when I was a little girl..
My life was and is confused and angry as when I was a teenager
My life was and is full of dreams aspirations and expectations as when I entered my young youthful age
My life was and is full of determination hard work and hunger for success as when I entered my career
My life was and is full of surprises anxiety and cuddly dreamy Love as when I met my soul mate..
My life today has promises, love of a family, togetherness ..dreams of my kids future and my experiences that I gathered each day and moment..
My life is sometimes bad chaotic rough hard and harsh too....but I always have someone to look up too...
My life I am sure will be good better and best each day If I can smile on all I have and Love it like my own self ....

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pitter Patter raindrops.....

I am sure you know this one..

I hear thunder, I hear thunder,
Oh ! don't you? Oh ! don't you ?
Pitter Patter raindrops, Pitter Patter raindrops
I'm wet through, I'm wet through.

Okay, so as you guessed it's raining in my's raining all over Dallas.

When I saw rain today and I sat on my laptop...I thought let me search for the meaning of RAIN in is a strong worded definition ...

Rain is liquid precipitation, as opposed to other kinds of precipitation such as snow, hail and sleet. On Earth, it is the condensation of atmospheric water vapor into drops heavy enough to fall, often making it to the surface.

For me Rain is fun ...pouring fresh water...washing the leaves and flowers...making them look so fresh...:)

Rain Reminds me of my childhood days in and my friends use to splash in the puddle all through the day once rain was stopped...we came home all drenched in mud n water....yuck...that's the word I use today. In childhood days we are so close to nature then we drift apart ...and we discovered what's dirty, hygienic...and blah.. blah.. blah..
Last time when it rained I went with my son to do some puddling...jumping and splashing that little water was sooo sooo much fun believe me. May be once in a while I can again be a child..atleast till my son starts saying yuck for puddling :).

Friday, October 16, 2009

A Story to touch all Parents Hearts - The Special Olympics

I Have always been a fan of Chicken Soup series of books.
Just happened to read this sample story today from
chicken soup for the parents soul

I am sure u'll like it too...

"The Special Olympics"

At a Special Olympics track meet, a young girl had just won the fifty yard dash and was jumping up and down all excited. She yelled out to her parents, "Look, Mom and Dad, I won!"

Her parents instantly burst into tears.

At the awards ceremony, the young girl proudly stood there as a medal was placed around her neck.

Then she ran over to her parents, who were crying now even more than before.

The three of them hugged ….as the parents kept crying.

A special Olympic official who had watched this whole scene became concerned and went over to the parents and said, "Excuse me, is there anything wrong?"

Through her tears, the mother said: "No, nothing's wrong. Everything’s right... We just heard our daughter speak for the first time!"

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Visit to Shark Reef Aquarium

Last month we visited Las Vegas for a vacation. There got a chance to see the best colorful Aquarium of all the ones we have seen in US so far, The Shark Reef Aquarium at Mandalay Bay ..

Don’t go on my words alone but surely the way colorful fishes are every where it’s amazing

Monday, October 12, 2009

Visit to Butterfly House….

Recently we visited Butterfly House and Insectarium exhibition Located at historic Fair Park in Dallas, Texas Discovery Gardens is a year-round organic urban oasis filled with natural wonders for visitors of all ages.
What an experience…though it wasn’t like thousands of beautiful butterflies but a lifetime experience for us.

Few clicks ….

Friday, October 9, 2009

Some Kite Fun...Lets fly a Paper Plate

Today my son's demand for a kite brought out the creative side of me so, thought let's make a kite at home with whatever we have... Things we used -

1. Paper Plate/Any Disposable Plate for the base of the Kite 2. 3 pieces of small streamers 3. Cello-tape 4. Scissor 5. Some Aluminum foil 6. Piece of a string of strong thread and few stickers of your choice

Step 1 :- We laid down the paper plate and all work began on it.

Step 2:- We made 2 strong sticks by folding the Aluminum foil. This is for the 2 support sticks that kite has for holding and flying like a kite.

Step 3:- Taped the two sticks to form a X shape.

Step 4:- We cut out a small portion of thread/ string and tied it to the one of the flat stick

Step 5:- Attached the remaining part of the thread to the center of the one we put earlier.

Step 6: Made tail with streamers and eyes and nose with stickers

Kite is ready to fly up in the least in the home skies :) ....Sky is the Limit ....!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I am a MOTHER…and my life is a circus right now..

Huh…today what did my son do… I had such a gala time … few highlights to make me feel better 

He woke up in the morning made a huge fuss about getting fresh and brushing his teeth… then some how we managed to take him to his doc for a follow up check up after his last weeks viral.
Thank god he is all fine now.
After coming back home he took out all his Flash Cards, Building blocks and his small cars and mixed them together with his hands legs and my serving spoons.
On being asked what’s happening, he politely told me I am making cookies and Chicken soup for you mommy…all my anger gone and I am too smiling at the mess he made : )

After a couple of non-peaceful hours and lunch he wanted to climb on apartment windows holding on to the blinds and the window pane… and his expression was I am sure I can do it …hee hee hee…

After sometime I had a call from one of my friend and was sitting on the chair….he happily…climbed behind me on the chair and stood on my shoulders and jumped down…wow…

On being told not to do all this he screamed to the top of his voice for 10 mins and gave me a headache…

Finally he slept at 7:30 pm and I took a deep breath…

Surely terrible 2’s…

Foods to perk up your mood

Just read about Foods to perk up our moods thought will share...

There’s no doubt about it-what we eat is directly linked to our moods. The key is to eat a balanced diet, including key foods that will help you feel energised and more upbeat. Here are the best foods to up your mood.

Bananas: Rich in magnesium, bananas are important if you lead a hectic life with a lot of stress. The body requires magnesium for various energy generation cycles. Bananas also contains tryptophan, which is used to make the happiness hormone serotonin. And they’re packed with potassium, which tends to get depleted by stress. So eating bananas is an ideal way to battle fatigue, insomnia and irritability.
Amla or Indian gooseberry: This fruit is packed with Vitamin C, which is required for the absorption of iron. This mineral is key in driving away fatigue, making you more alert. Concentrated amla juice is readily available in the market, so add chilled water and make yourself a cooling drink. Of course, you can always eat the fruit in its raw form. Seafood: This category of good is rich in selenium, a mineral that is a mood elevator, helping to release more energy and reduce anxiety. Seafood is also rich in proteins, which help slow down the absorption of carbohydrates in the blood, making you feel upbeat and productive - paving the way for happiness.
Chillies: Capsaicin present in chillies provides the fiery taste, stimulating your nerve endings, which send signals to your brain. In response, the brain releases endorphins, the natural painkillers that produce a temporary ‘high’.
Water: It’s possible that your fatigue could also be due to dehydration, which slows down blood flow to your organs. Drinking 10 to 12 glasses of water per day will get rid of that sluggish feeling. Coffee and teas don’t count as they are diuretic in nature.

Lets Stay Healhty....:)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Everyone is gifted - but some people never open their package

This is my first post ever.
Today morning when I logged into Orkut this was my fortune for the day...lols. So thought will start my day very positively.
Finished all the morning chores with great energy and happy mood. Then called up my parents in India as today is my Dad's B'day,!!
Then while browsing came across this piece of work by Michael McDermott
A Wall I Must Climb.... are a few lines, inspiring and so thoughtful...

Things were moving so fast ... I couldn't comprehend it
I was first, maybe I was last ...Confusion had descended
I was amazed by what had transcended ... Through the pages of time
Faith is a wall I must climb.....

My life goes in just day and night....taking care of everything for everyone in my home...sometimes it's just crazy and sometimes it's just fun :). So, here I am to start - Through the pages of time...

My life started when I was born in April 1979 to my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gupta in Bhilai (City of Steel), India. Did my schooling at several places across India as my dad had and still has a transferable job. Did graduation in Physics( Hons.) followed by PG in Computers..landed up with a well paid job in Bangalore as a software professional, met my husband, JPB there , fell in love got married and after 4 years had a son, named him Prajwal (means light) , left my job we moved to Dallas,Teaxs US and now my son is 2 and a a story of 30 years of my life in just 6 lines ....but there is soooooooo much in between many incidents , events and happenings...makes me wonder if everyone's life can be summarized in 5-6 lines....hahaha....lols....