Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Does Google Instant enhancement fails for Search?

We were discussing over a cup of tea in office cafeteria that Google's Instant search enhancement will shows options for searching is helpful or not...
There were mixed reactions -
1) I dont want to see that list down I get confused
2) Some agreed that as per the statistics they fealt that it reduced 2-3 sec per search
3) One said - The value it gives is nothing. Search results are based on hits and not relevant to what she is looking. Often the ones below are meaningful.
The funny thing is that even Google seemed to recognize this, and tried to play up the importance by pooling all time savings across all searches of all customers. In total, they estimated the world would save 3.5 billion seconds per day. (As I read some where on this...dont remember the link though)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Can Networking really help in getting a good job?

Effective and Efficient Networking - Business or Personal can lead you into a high paying and satisfactory Job.
How - I recently came accross an incident in my Office, I guess many may have a similar experience, In my Project's Testing Team people share great rapport with each other. The Test Lead quit and joined a high paying competitior as a Test Manager. He had to create a new team for his Project in the new organisation, he knew people were not Happy in his last organisation. He mailed on their personal ID's - Few went got selected and got better paying jobs with a better big player in the market - Now thats were good networking can lead to sometimes :)

This is a very very common example I guess but can be seen at many places.

To Communicate and build our networks we often are nervous to approach people. I feel if we take care on a few basic things we can come over it -

1)Be informed about the crowd/people we have to meet.
2)Relax before approaching and speaking
3)First believe in what you have to tell/say.
4)If possible, know what not to talk about, which can go negative for our self :)

I firmly believe in networking......its a great help when you need more information/connections :)
So Happy Networking.... !!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Performance Boosting of Vista - 10 simple things to do

1. Upgrade your machine's RAM as Vista is memory hungry.

2. Use a USB or Flash Drive to provide for extra memory and fool Vista :) it works

3. Place a good Video Card - If RAM does not help replace this.

4. Remove extra startup programs that vendor might have added.

5. Get off Visual Enhancements - all the flashy things

6. Adjust indexing options

7. Clean up and defrag the disk

8. Boost performance by setting your power settings to the High Performance option.

9. Turn Off Slide bar - The sidebar is a cool feature of Vista, but if you don’t use its applets, you can save some resources

10. If all else fails, turn off Aero

--Hope it helps incase you have a similar problem................