Tuesday, January 25, 2011

5 simple things to consider before starting on a startup

Just found a simple list of 5 simple things that looks promising before the conception of a startup....

1. Focus - Stortlisting of Target Audience and Demographics - sounded important to me. What ever Idea or Product it is it has to be targetted to right Audience and Demographics to click.
Though I am still unsure what I want to start on...in my whole career I have only worked on MS technologies...catered just to the need of Project to Project...Client to Client...Oh God !! Something has to strike out of it...My Decisions are getting firmer...

2. Different is not enough - I believe in that..People and even me I will always want my current items with a little difference...not lots of it...its good to try different things sometimes but not on a routine basis.What I cannot take on a routine is not gonna sell too.

3. It's me who knows - Its me who knows how my baby grows and behaves...So, I have to keep my itentions and mind clear on what I want the end result to be...It can be different then the initial draft though.

4. Hire smart - When ever I'll hire I would like people of similar mindset.

5. Get some type of management training - An important aspect on my Agenda. I dont want to get caught fighting for some procedural things and want some inital steps to take on the world.

I always remember a recent dialouge from a bollywood flick...Break ke Baad... "I am a STAR in every sceene of my Life"...Thats what is driving me so far........

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