Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Why Preschoolers Think They Have All the Answers - A Must Read I fealt

Just a few glimpses of this must read article at

1 ) They Have a Desperate Need to Win

3.5 to 4 year-olds are starting to compare themselves with others. They're tempted to cheat at games in order to win-so they can brag, "I'm better at this than you are!" Because preschoolers have the vocabulary to share information in a way they couldn't when they were younger, knowing something, or saying they do, gives them a competitive edge.

2 ) To Them, it Makes Perfect Sense

Why they can tell London is just too close to new York
Preschoolers' knowledge is based on concrete information, and they have difficulty grasping abstract concepts. If you show a 4-year-old two lines and ask which one is longer, for example, he'll be able to tell you, but most 4-year-olds can't visualize concepts such as more, larger, or longer

3)They Have Very Active Imaginations

If they're telling a story and there are gaps in their knowledge, they just add fantasy material.

4) They Get Overloaded With Information
Sometimes kids act as if they want to know everything when they really just want a basic grasp of it

5) They Want to be Grown-Up

If they say, 'I know -- even if they don't -- they feel smart and grown-up.They don't want you to realize that they don't know something.

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